Devon Hock
Associated Faculty
Physical Therapist
Clinical Instructor
Academic Degrees:
DPT, Doctor of Physical Therapy, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2013
BS, Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2010
Devon Hock, PT, DPT is a Physical Therapist and Clinical Instructor currently working in a skilled nursing facility as well as for Rehab Essentials as a Capstone Advisor for transitional Doctor of Physical Therapy students. She received a B.S. in Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in 2010, and her Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from the University of Illinois at Chicago in 2013. Her clinical and educational interests include geriatrics, dementia management, fall prevention, and health promotion and wellness for which her research and program development have been selected for presentation within the National PACE Association and APTA Geriatrics. Additionally, Devon serves as a clinical liaison to the Health Promotion and Wellness Special Interest Group within APTA Geriatrics and sits as a Commissioner on the Council of Aging for the town in which she resides.
American Physical Therapy Association 2010 – Present