Jacob Earp
Assistant Professor
Research Associate, Human Performance Laboratory
Academic Degrees
Ph.D. in Sports Science from Edith Cowan University (Australia) – 2013
M.A. in Kinesiology from University of Connecticut – 2009
B.S. in Exercise Science from Slippery Rock University – 2006
Specialist Certifications
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
USA Weightlifting Sports Performance Coach
Dr. Earp is an assistant professor in the Department of Kinesiology at the University of Connecticut working within the Sports Optimization & Rehabilitation (SOAR) lab. His research primarily focuses on improving the health, function and sports performance by improving muscle quality (function relative to size) and tendon function. As a sports scientist & strength & conditioning coach Dr. Earp has worked with countless athletes and sports organizations including the Olympic programs for four countries (US, China, Australia & Indonesia), the National Strength & Conditioning Association and the International Performance Institute (IMG Academy). While his work has primarily focused on improving sports performance by optimizing training adaptations in athletes and enhancing recovery after injury his future works will also apply knowledge learned from athletes to improve health and function in older adults and those with choric diseases which affect muscle quality and/or tendon function. Dr. Earp has previously worked as a professor at the University of Rhode Island & Westfield State University after receiving his Ph.D. from Edith Cowan University (Western Australia), M.A. from the University of Connecticut, and B.S. from Slippery Rock University. He also has been certified as a Strength & Conditioning Specialist by the National Strength & Conditioning Association, an Exercise Physiologist by the American College of Sports Medicine and a Sports Performance Coach from USA Weightlifting.
Research Interests
Strength & Conditioning
Sports Science
Elite Athletes
Resistance Training
Recovery Research
Exercise & Aging
Muscle Growth
Muscle Quality
Musculoskeletal Injury
Exercise Recovery
Research Summary
As a former strength & conditioning coach Dr. Earp’s research career started with the simple question, “How can I help athletes perform better without increasing their mass?” For athletes who need speed, power or movement economy muscle may drive the movement but muscle mass decreases performance. This has led Dr. Earp to researching the importance of muscle quality (function relative to size) and tendon properties and novel training strategies to improve them. Since starting on this journey Dr. Earp has expanded his work on muscle and tendon adaptation with the goal of enhancing recovery, preventing injury and comparing therapeutic modalities. To investigate these questions Dr. Earp research combines functional assessments with exercise physiology, biomechanics, imaging technologies, bioassays and tissue modeling.
Presently, Dr. Earp is excited to expand his research into older adults. As older adults concurrently experience a loss of muscle mass with a reduction in muscle quality and altered tendon properties this research has the potential to improve health related quality of life, physical function, reduce pain and improve diagnostic tools for sarcopenia and age related health risks.
Teaching Responsibilities
KINS 1100 – Exercise & Wellness for Everyone
KINS 3435 – Resistance Training for Health & Performance
KINS 3530 – Aerobic Training for Health & Performance
KINS 4205W – Exercise Science Capstone
KINS 5500 – Research Techniques & Experimental Design in Exercise Science
Funded Research
Improving athletic performance independent of alternations of muscle mass.
Regional hypertrophy of the quadriceps femoris from open and closed chain resistance training.
Is tendon strain predictive of tendon adaptation?
The influence of exercise loading on tendon blood flow.
Training tendon stiffness to improve rate of force development.
The influence of post exercise cryotherapy on circulating testosterone.
The effects of contrast therapy with cryo-compression on exercise recovery.
Selected Publications
Xu F, Earp JE, Vadiveloo M, Adami A, Delmonico MD, Lofgren IE, Greaney ML. The relationships between total protein intake, protein sources, physical activity, and lean mass in a representative sample of US adults. Accepted for Publication in “Nutrients” in October 2020. Manuscript ID: 913219.
Xu F, Greene GW, Earp JE, Adami A, Delmonico MJ, Lofgren IE, Greaney ML. The relationships of physical activity and diet quality with body composition and fat distribution in US Adults. Accepted for Publication in “Obesity” in August 2020. Manuscript ID: 20-0748-Orig.R2.
Xu F, Earp JE, Greene GW, Cohen SA, Lofgren IE, Delmonico MJ, Greaney ML. Temporal association between abdominal weight status and healthy aging: findings from the 2011-2018 national health and aging trends study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Aug 5;17(16):E5656.
Xu F, Cohen SA, Greaney ML, Earp JE, Delmonico MJ. Longitudinal sex-specific physical function trends by age, race/ethnicity and weight status. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2020 Jun 22. Epub Ahead of Print.
Earp JE, Stearns RL, Lepley A, Agostinucci J, Ward-Ritacco CL. Total body and extracellular water as measured by bioelectrical impedance is unrelated to cramp threshold frequency. Accepted for publication in J Strength Cond Res March 2020.
Greaney ML, Cohen SA, Blissmer BJ, Earp JE, Xu F. Age-specific trends in health-related quality of life among US adults: findings from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2001-2016. Qual Life Res 2019 Dec; 28(12): 3249-57.
Earp JE, Stearns RL, Stranieri A, Agostinucci J, Lepley AS, Matson T, Ward-Ritacco CL. Electrolyte beverage consumption alters electrically induced cramping threshold. Muscle Nerve 2019; Nov 60(5): 598-603.
Earp JE, Hatfield DL, Sherman A, Lee EC, Kraemer WJ. Cold-water immersion blunts and delays increases in circulating testosterone and cytokines post-resistance exercise. Eur J Appl Physiol 2019 Aug; 119(8): 1901-1907.
Xu F, Adams SK, Cohen SA, Earp JE, Greaney ML. Relationship between physical activity, screen time, and sleep quality and quantity. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019 Apr 30; 16(9): 1-12.
Penailillo L, Aedo C, Cartagena M, Contreras A, Reyes A, Ramirez-Campillo R, Earp J, Zbiden-Foncea H. Effects of eccentric cycling performed at long and short muscle lengths on heart rate, RPE and muscle damage markers. J Strength Cond Res. 2020; 32(10): 1895-2902.
Angelino D, McCabe TJ, Earp JE. Comparing acceleration and change of direction ability between backpedal and crossover run techniques for use in American football. J Strength Cond Res, EPub Ahead of Print: Accepted for publication May 25th 2018.
Earp JE, Newton RU, Cormie P, Blazevich AJ. The influence of external load on quadriceps muscle and tendon dynamics during jumping. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2017 Nov; 49(11): 2250-9.
Earp JE, Newton RU, Cormie P, Blazevich AJ. Faster movement speed results in greater tendon adaptation during squat movements. Frontiers of Phys. 2016 Aug; 31(7): 366-78.
Earp JE, Stucchi DT, DeMartini JK, Roti MW. Regional sEMG of the vastus lateralis during strength and power exercises. J Strength Cond Res. 2016 Jun; 30(6):1585-91.
Earp JE, Newton RU, Cormie P, Blazevich AJ. Inhomogenous quadriceps femoris hypertrophy in response to strength and power training. Med Sci Sport Exerc. 2015 Mar; 47(11):2389-97.
Earp JE, Newton RU, Cormie PU, Blazevich AJ. The influence of loading intensity on muscle-tendon unit behavior during maximal knee extensor stretch shortening cycle exercise. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2014 Jan; 114(1):59-69.
Volek JS, Volk BM, Gómez AL, Kunces LJ, Kupchak BR, Freidenreich DJ, Aristizabal JC, Saenz C, Dunn-Lewis C, Ballard KD, Quann EE, Kawiecki DL, Flanagan SD, Comstock BA, Fragala MS, Earp JE, Fernandez ML, Bruno RS, Ptolemy AS, Kellogg MD, Maresh CM, Kraemer WJ. Whey protein supplementation during resistance training augments lean body mass. J Am Coll Nutr. 2013;32(2):122-35.
Earp JE, Newton RU, Cormie PU, Blazevich AJ. Knee angle-specific EMG normalization: The use of polynomial based EMG-angle relationships. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2013 Feb;23(1) 238-44.
Earp JE, Newton RU. Advances in electronic timing systems: considerations for selecting an appropriate timing system. J Strength Cond Res. 2012 Mar;26(5):1245-8.
Comstock BA, Solomon-Hill G, Flanagan SD, Earp JE, Luk HY Dobbins KA, Dunn-Lewis C, Fragala MS, Ho JY, Hatfield DL, Vingren JL, Denegar CR, Volek JS, Kupchak BR, Maresh CM, Kraemer WJ. Validity of the Myotest© in measuring force and power production in the squat and bench press. J Strength Cond Res. 2011 Aug;25(8):2293-7.
Earp JE, Kraemer WJ, Cormie P, Volek JS, Maresh CM, Joseph M, Newton RU. The influence of muscle-tendon unit structure on rate force development during squat, countermovement and drop jumps. J Strength Cond Res. 2011 Feb;25(2):340-7.
Kraemer WJ, Flanagan SD, Comstock BA, Fragala MS, Earp JE, Dunn-Lewis C, Ho JY, Thomas GA, Solomon-Hill G, Penwell ZR, Powell MD, Wolf MR, Volek JS, Denegar CR, Maresh CM. Effects of a whole body compression garment on markers of recovery after a heavy resistance workout in men and women. J Strength Cond Res. 2010 Mar;24(3):804-14.
Earp JE, Joseph M, Kraemer WJ, Newton RU, Comstock BA, Fragala MS, Dunn-Lewis C, Solomon-Hill G, Penwell ZR, Powell MD, Volek JS, Denegar CR, Häkkinen K, Maresh CM. Lower-body muscle structure and its role in jump performance during squat, countermovement, and depth drop jumps. J Strength Cond Res. 2010 Mar;24(3):722-9.
Earp JE, Kraemer WJ. Medicine Ball Training Implications for Rotational Power Sports. Strength & Conditioning Journal. 2010 Aug;32(4):20-25.
Bower ME, Kraemer WJ, Potteiger JA, Volek JS, Hatfield DA, Vingren JL, Spiering BA, Fragala MS, Ho JY, Thomas GA, Earp JE, Häkkinen K, Maresh CM. Relationship between off-ice testing variables and on-ice speed in women’s collegiate synchronized figure skaters: implications for training. J Strength Cond Res. 2010 Mar;24(3):831-9.
Migiano MJ, Vingren JL, Volek JS, Maresh CM, Fragala MS, Ho JY, Thomas GA, Hatfield DL, Häkkinen K, Ahtiainen J, Earp JE, Kraemer WJ. Endocrine response patterns to acute unilateral and bilateral resistance exercise in men. J Strength Cond Res. 2010 Jan;24(1):128-34.
Selected Presentations
Methods for integration of sports science into professional & Olympic sport, NE-ACSM 2020
Body Sculpting: Inter & Intra-muscular hypertrophy and its impact on performance. NE – NSCA, 2020
Intramuscular hypertrophy for the elite athletes. Chinese Olympic Delegation, 2019
Strength & Conditioning for the elite snowboard athlete, NE-ACSM, 2019
Resistance training considerations for the snowboard athlete. Chinese Winter Olympic Delegation, 2017
Innovative Pedagogy Imitative Award – Westfield State University
Faculty Announcements
Opening for Kinesiology Ph.D. student starting in Fall 2021.

jacob.earp@uconn.edu |