Robert Huggins
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor, Department of Kinesiology
President for Research and Athlete Performance & Safety, Korey Stringer Institute
Research Associate, Human Performance Laboratory
Academic Degrees:
Ph.D. University of Connecticut, 2014
M.Ed. University of Virginia, 2008
B.S. University of Connecticut, 2007
Areas of Expertise:
Performance monitoring
Fluid-electrolyte balance
Exertional Heat Stroke
Prevention of Sudden Death in Sport
Blood-biomarkers for performance
Training load monitoring via wearable technology
Body Cooling
Injury prevention in team sport athletes
Body Temperature Assessment
Economic impact of Athletic Training services
Dr. Robert Huggins is currently the President of Occupational Safety and Athlete Performance at the Korey Stringer Institute. He is also an Assistant Professor in the Department of Kinesiology at the University of Connecticut. Dr. Huggins oversees the operations of the Athlete Performance Testing division of KSI and the Heat Safety Performance Coalition (HSPC) which strives to protect occupational laborers and workers from the dangerous effects of acute and chronic heat exposure. Dr. Huggins is the director of the Athletic Training Locations and Services (ATLAS) Project which keeps track of the level of AT services in over 21,000 secondary schools in the U.S. since 2015.
Dr. Huggins focuses on two major areas of research, 1) athlete/laborer health, safety, and performance and 2) the access and provision of Athletic Training Services to secondary schools. In athletes and laborers, his research interests include the heat illness prevention, thermoregulation, hydration, and monitoring training load/workload and physiological biomarkers for the prevention of injury/illness. Related to AT services, his research focuses on improving the delivery of AT services at the secondary school level, emergency best practices in youth athletes, and the economic impact of medical services rendered by ATs. Dr. Huggins has been a lead or co-author on ~70 publications) and has delivered ~80 professional presentations throughout the US. His work can be found here (Research Gate and Google Scholar)
Dr. Huggins has provided heat safety policy and risk mitigation services/expertise to the airline, food, construction, manufacturing, and postal delivery service industries. He has provided expert advice and services to the US Soccer Women’s National Team, Olympians in several sports, professional endurance athletes, and football players. Dr. Huggins also has a great deal of experience at mass medical events such as the Falmouth Road Race, Boston Marathon, and Marine Corps Marathon where he has treated more than 80 cases of exertional heat stroke. Dr. Huggins is a licensed Athletic Trainer since 2007 and received his bachelor’s degree in Athletic Training from the University of Connecticut in 2007, his master’s degree in Athletic Training from the University of Virginia in 2008, his doctoral degree from the University of Connecticut in 2014 and completed a post-doctoral fellowship at UConn from 2014-2017.
Dr. Huggins was an editor of the book entitled “Elite Soccer Players: Maximizing Performance and Safety” and has written chapters on Technology in the book “Sport and Physical Activity in the Heat” and two chapters in “Quick Questions in Heat-Related Illness and Hydration”. He was lead author on the 2013 “Inter-Association Task Force for Preventing Sudden Death in Secondary School Athletics Programs: Best Practices Recommendations.”
Dr. Huggins serves as the co-chair of the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources (CAHNR) Advancing Adaptation and Resilience in a Changing Climate Strategic Vision Implementation Committee and as a member of the CANHR Commencement Committee. Dr. Huggins also is the current co-chair of the New England American College of Sports Medicine (NEACSM) Free Communications Committee. Previously he served on the NATA Committee on Professional Ethics, the 2017-2018 NATA Appropriate Medical Care For the Secondary School Aged Athlete Task Force, co-chair of the 2016 Youth Sports Safety Governing Bodies Meeting and member of the organizing committee and speaker for the 2016 Collaborative Solutions for Safety in Sport Meeting.
Selected Funded Research:
2017- Co-principal investigator, NCAA, a multi-site study investigating the influence of match congestion of injury rates perception of mood, motivation, stress, fatigue, and sleep in collegiate men’s and women’s soccer players.
2017- Co-principal investigator, NATA, Athletic Training Locations and Services Project
2016- Co-principal investigator, NCAA, a pilot study investigating the influence of match congestion of injury rates perception of mood, motivation, stress, fatigue, and sleep in collegiate men’s soccer players.
2016- Co-principal investigator, Polar, study to investigate the validity of GPS devices during team sport
2016- Project coordinator, National Football League, Health and Safety, research aimed to improve health and safety on a national scale as well as examine medical coverage that has occurred at the secondary school level.
2015- Grant Recipient, NATA, a project aimed at determining the cost-savings of the athletic trainer from the insurance perspective
Selected Publications:
Adams EL, Casa DJ, Huggins RA, DeMartini JK, Stearns RL, Kennedy RM, DiStefano LJ, Armstrong LE, Maresh CM. Heat exposure and hypohydration exacerbate physiological strain during load carrying. J Strength Cond Res. 2017 Feb 1. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000001831.
Adams WM, Hosokawa Y, Belval LN, Huggins RA, Stearns RL, Casa DJ. Deviation from goal pace, body temperature and body mass loss as predictors of road race performance. J Sci Med Sport. 2017 Mar;20(3):302-306. doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2016.07.009.
Huggins RA, Scarneo SE, Casa DJ, Belval LN, Carr KS, Chiampas G, Clayton M, Curtis RM, Duffy A.J., Flury A, Gammons M, Hosokawa Y, Jardine JF, LaBella CR, Oats R, Ransone JW, Sailor S, Scott K, Stearns RL, Vandermark LW, Weston T. The Inter-Association Task Force Document on Emergency Health and Safety: Best-Practice Recommendations for Youth Sports Leagues. J Athl Train.; 2017 Apr;52(4):384-400. doi: 10.4085/1062-6050-52.2.02. Epub 2017 Mar 7.
Hosokawa Y, Casa DJ, Rosenberg H, Capacchione JF, Sagui E, Riazi S, Belval LN, Deuster PA, Jardine JF, Kavouras SA, Lee EC, Miller KC, Muldoon SM, O’Connor FG, Sailor SR, Sambuughin N, Stearns RL, Adams WM, Huggins RA, Vandermark LW. Round Table on Malignant Hyperthermia in Physically Active Populations: Meeting Proceedings. J Athl Train. 2017; 52(4):377-383 doi: 10.4085/1062-6050-52.2.06. Epub 2017 Mar 7.
Adams EL, Vandermark LW, Pryor JL, Pryor RR, VanScoy RM, Denegar CR, Huggins RA, Casa DJ. Effects of heat acclimation on hand cooling efficacy following exercise in the heat. J Sport Sci; 2017;35(9):828-834. doi:10.1080/02640414.2016. 1192671.
Adams WM, Hosokawa Y, Adams EL, Belval LN, Huggins RA, Casa DJ. Reduction in body temperature using hand cooling versus passive rest after exercise in the heat. J Sci Med Sport. 2016;19(11):936-940.
Kunces LJ, Johnson EC, Munoz CX, Hydren JR, Huggins RA, Judelson DA, Ganio MS, Vingren JL, Kupchak BR, Volek JS, Armstrong LE. Observed Dietary Practices of Recreational Ultra Endurance Cyclists in the Heat. J Strength Cond Res. 2016 Jun;30(6):1607-12. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000001248.
Adams WA, Hosokawa Y, Huggins RA, Mazerolle SM, Casa DJ. An Exertional Heat Stroke Survivor’s Return to Running: An Integrated Approach on the Treatment, Recovery, and Return-to-Activity. J Sport Rehabil. 2016 Aug;25(3):280-7. doi: 10-1123/jsr.2015-0006. Epub 2015 Oct 12.
Armstrong LE, Johnson EC, Kunces LJ, Ganio MS, Judelson DA, Kupchak BR, Vingren JL, Munoz CX, Huggins RA, Hydren JR, Moyen NE, Williamson KH. Drinking to Thirst versus Drinking ad libitum During Ultra-endurance Road Cycling. J Athl Train. 2014;49(5):624-31.
Adams WM, Mazerolle SM, Casa DJ, Huggins RA, Burton LJ. The secondary school football coach’s relationship with the athletic trainer and their perspectives on exertional heat stroke. J Athl Train. 2014;49(4):469-77.
Adams WM, Ferraro EM, Huggins RA, Casa DJ. The influence of body mass loss on changes in heart rate during exercise in the heat: a systematic review. JSCR. 2014; 28(8):2380-9.
Pryor RR, Huggins RA, Casa DJ. Best Practice Recommendations for Prevention of Sudden Death in Secondary School Athletes: An Update. Pediatric Exercise Science. 2014 May;26(2):124-6.
Pryor L, Huggins RA, Palmieri J, Casa DJ. Physical Profile of National Football League Super BowlChampions. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Res. 2014: 28(1) pgs 7-13.
Pryor R, Stearns R, Casa DJ, Adams W, Belval L, DeMartini JK, Huggins RA, Vandermark LW. Maximizing Performance in the Heat. Strength & Cond J: 2013 Dec; 35(6): 24–33 doi:10.1519/SSC.0000000000000016.
Casa DJ, Almquist J, Anderson SA, Baker L, Bergeron MF, Biagioli B, Boden B; Brenner J, Carroll M, Colgate B; Cooper L, Courson R, Csillan D, DeMartini J, Drezner JA, Erickson T, Ferrara M, Fleck S, Franks R, Guskiewicz K, Holcomb B, Huggins RA, Lopez RM, Mayer T, McHenry P, Mihalik JP, O’Connor F, Pagnotta K, Pryor R, Reynolds J, Stearns RL, Valentine V. The Inter-Association Task Force for Preventing Sudden Death in Secondary School Athletics Programs: Best Practices Recommendations. J Athl Train. 2013 Jul-Aug; 48(4): 546–553. doi: 10.4085/1062-6050-48.4.12.
Munoz CX, Johnson EC, DeMartini JK, Huggins RA, McKenzie AL, Casa DJ, Maresh CM, Armstrong LE. Assessment of hydration biomarkers including salivary osmolality during passive and active dehydration. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2013 Dec;67(12):1257-63. doi: 10.1038/ejcn.2013.195. Epub 2013 Oct 16.
DiStefano LJ, Casa DJ, VanSumeren MM, Karslo RL, Huggins RA, DeMartini JK, Stearns RL, Armstrong LE, Maresh CM. Hypohydration and hyperthermia impair neuromuscular control after exercise. Med Sci Sport Exerc 2013 Jun;45(6):1166-73. doi: 10.1249/MSS.0b013e3182805b83.
Casa DJ, Armstrong LE, Kenny GP, O’Conner FG, Huggins RA. Exertional heat stroke: new concepts regarding cause and care. Curr Sports Med Rep. 2012 May-Jun;11(3):115-23. doi: 10.1249/JSR.0b013e31825615cc.
Huggins RA, Glaviano N, Hertel J, Casa DJ. Comparison of Core Body Temperature as Assessed by Rectal and Aural Thermometry in Hyperthermic, Exercising Individuals: A Meta-Analysis. J Athl Train. 2012 May-Jun; 47(3): 329–338. doi: 10.4085/1062-6050-47.3.09
Becker SM, Casa DJ, Brown CM, Yeargin SW, Ganio MS, Roti MW, Boots LM, Huggins RA, Armstrong LE, Maresh CM. Validity Of Devices That Assess Body Temperature During Outdoor Exercise In The Heat. J Athl Train. 2007 Jul-Sep; 42(3): 333–342.
New England ACSM David Cameione Doctoral Scholarship (2013)
NATA Life Saver Recognition Award (2013)
Douglas J. Casa Athletic Training Research Award (2013)
Eastern Athletic Trainers’ Association Francis J. George Scholarship Award (2013)
NATA Research and Education Foundation Chuck Kramer Scholarship (2012)
University of Connecticut Stephanie Mazerolle ATEP Outstanding Service Award (2012)
Outstanding Contribution Award: Sacred Heart Student Athletic Training Organization (2010)
University of Connecticut Hans Hercule Award for scholarship in undergraduate Athletic Training (2007)
Community Service:
Falmouth Road Race Medical Tent Volunteer: (2012-2014, 2017)
Boston Marathon Medical Tent Volunteer: (2007, 2011, 2014-present)
Marine Corps Marathon Medical Tent Volunteer (2010-2015, 2017)
Successfully treated 65 cases of Exertional Heat Stroke.
National Athletic Trainers’ Association
American College of Sports Medicine
U.S. Soccer Sports Medicine Advisory Committee
Selected Media Links:
“The Inter-Association Task Force Document on Emergency Health and Safety: Best Practice Recommendations for Youth Sports Leagues Released at Either Youth Sports Safety Summit”
“Emergency Health and Safety: Best Practice Recommendations for Youth Sports Leagues Released at Summit and Published in Journal of Athletic Training” March 7, 2017
“Are your kids safe in their sport? Task force recommends new protections” USA TODAY HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS. March 7, 2017
“The best strategies to keep bodies cool in a heatwave, according to researchers.” The Guardian. Sept 2016
“Everything you need to know about preventing heat stroke this summer” NY Post. Aug 16, 2016
WILI 14000AM Radio Willimantic, Topic: Hydration Needs During Exercise and Improving Heat Safety In Schools, May 31 2016. The Amount of Water You Actually Need Per Day, Sept 20, 2015
Morgan football player dies of heat stroke autopsy shows? Baltimore Sun. Aug. 25, 2014. | |
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